A few years ago I was on Newgrounds as "Sadlersongs" and I decided to leave because I started to hate Newgrounds and all of the selfish people that post music on this site. I was mad because I would post a song that was something more than techno music, mindless loops with no substance to them. Then people would give my songs a 0 rating just so their own would stay on top. But now I've realized that these people aren't classical composers, they aren't going to school for music composition. They're just having fun! Like me! I write for fun and because it gives me joy and satisfaction. So if people want to give other people shitty votes just for their own self promotion then that's fine. I'm not here to compete with other musicians. I'm here to share my music and to get opportunities to write more. So in the future enjoy my music and I'll try to post something new every week.
I know what you mean. I also had doubts if i should leave and go to another plattform. In the beginning my tracks received really good votings, but after a while when my tracks got better and people began to like them even more i was permanentely zerobombed. Now it seems to be impossible to compose something which isnt below 4 stars after 1 or 2 days and the zeros repeat every 24 hours ... quite annoying. The score itself isnt important, but if you invest lots of time in a piece and after a few zeros noone listens to the track anymore and you wont get feedback etc ... i think thats whats so disappointing ...
Hope your music will be well received and you will get lots of fans soon!